Homo sapien

…has poisoned itself and its habitat. Having not learned sustainability, humankind is meeting a preventable and painful demise. Those remaining are disconnected from their environment and one another; the tools and trades developed by ancestors and A.I. not leaving those remaining with easy access to health or wellness. The inevitable suffering is unfortunate and grotesque as the less privileged, which is most, bear the grunt while vying for the privilege of bearing the gilded coffins of the oppressor and overlord. Perhaps if Homo sapiens had learned to thrive in their natural habitat with balance and viability, the depletion of resources required to sustain life could have been avoided, perhaps we would not have forgotten about our mother the earth, our savior the forest, or the sea our freedom. Instead, the animal spread as an invasive species does; human introduced to environments, and we overpopulated and harmed. The planet will exist long after us unless we completely blow it to bits and with its greediest child, and primary pest removed it will heal or at least return to a way not known since before the first human war cry. Humans are inventive and resourceful and I think with what time we have left we would serve ourselves and this place well by focusing on holistic well-being; it’s the peace that’s been missing.