Statue of Death

On March 23, 1775 American politician Patrick Henry proclaimed to a crowd including Jefferson and Washington, “Give me liberty, or give me death.” 100 years later the French congratulated us the champions of liberty with a statue to commemorate the effort. Another century and a half down the road and the statue remains in the harbor tested and true unlike the ideologies it celebrated.

The United States, in its attempt to keep the rich that way has all but closed its borders to the destitute and armed its citizens to the gills. We have no lack of resources or space. Take a trip to WY, where you’re more likely to encounter a cow or a firearm than a human. Before you assume that all those guns are necessary to kill all those cows; WY has the 3rd highest rate of gun related human fatalities.

Americans have decided to embrace their guns rather than their babies and those babies have grown into adults immune to the tears of children. Let us build a tribute to commemorate ourselves and our modern freedom. With 120 firearms for every 100 citizens we have plenty to spare, let’s melt them down and in place of the Statue of Liberty erect an enormous monument, something they can see from across the border; a grave marker with the names of the children and suicide victims we have sacrificed to make America “great again.”